The Spiritual Path of Sacred Union
Generating life-giving wholeness, wisdom, and love
The global crisis is a spiritual crisis
Today’s global crises of environmental destruction, war and inequality stem from actions that arise from reductionistic thinking or “separation consciousness” – in other words, a lack of Sacred Union.
The modern secular, rational-scientific worldview has separated humanity from The Divine Mystery that is the Source of Life. Having lost a sense of reverence and devotion for the Sacred, we worship the gods of money and technology and disrespect the wisdom of the earth. We may have material wealth, but our soul-lives are impoverished.
Humanity’s over-focus on Masculine values and de-valuing of Feminine values has made our existence on earth both toxic and unsustainable.
When humans grab at or hold onto power for their own interests and do not share power in service of the greater whole, all of life suffers as a result.
The 3 Pillars of Sacred Union
The spiritual path of Sacred Union aims to address these root causes of the global crisis – and help humanity to live in harmony with All of Life – through the following 3 PIllars:
Right relationship
We actively cultivate relationship, reverence, and reciprocity for all that is sacred... including the sacred earth and all our relations (a Lakota term for all of life).
Right balance
We seek the inherent wisdom in finding a “third way” through the integration of polarities and dualities: the Sacred Union of Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine.
Right use of power
We alchemize shadow and turn pain into blessing, as we devote our personal and collective powers to the Highest Good for All.
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