Couples Journey to Sacred Union
Early 2022
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
— Lao Tsu
Create a generative love
Although we define Sacred Union very broadly (an experience of wholeness, balance and coherence that serves Life; the healing antidote to the myth of separation from Source), one of the ways that Sacred Union can express itself is through intimate partnership.
Committed and artful couple-hood is an important spiritual Path for bringing generative love to the world.
Co-evolution through sacred union
Generative couple-hood goes beyond having a stable, happy relationship. It is a place where ‘AND’ lives… in dignity AND humility, strength AND vulnerability, solidarity AND creative conflict, expression AND containment, giving AND receiving. It basks in the light AND dances with the shadow.
AND is the essence of sacred union.
Getting to a generative AND usually requires deep inner work. And that is what this journey is all about…
Is it for you?
You’ll know that this work is for you if you have a sense that something is calling you forward to the next-level of your union, a new form of generativity, and/or a higher purpose beyond your own happiness. Perhaps you may desire to:
Take the next step in your commitment to each other (i.e., step into marriage or start a family)
Deepen your spiritual life together
Create something in the world together
This sacred container will support you to empower and transform the core dances and patterns of your relationship in order to realize their genius, so you can step into a more integrated, whole, and generative love.
Apply for an invitation
If you’d like to be considered for this journey, send us an email at hello@sanctuaryforsacredunion.org.
What’s Included?
6 months’ holding in a sacred ceremonial container
Monthly group teaching/coaching sessions (3 hrs on Zoom)
Monthly private sessions to work on your particular relational dynamic (90 min on Zoom)
Retreat weekend with a plant medicine journey experience (in person)
Private Facebook group
Check-ins via email/Voxer, as needed
Limited Spots Available
For the intimacy required to do this work, the circle is limited to six couples.
TBD in early 2022